PSA: Prostate Cancer Level Indicator Or Worthless Blood Test?

Posted by writer on Monday, October 24, 2011

If you're wondering about your PSA, prostate cancer risk, and if all that were tested will be worth the time and money, then this article might help.

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There are many myths about the relationship between the level of PSA, prostate and other problems down there in the nether region. I, used to getting a PSA test is considered the best way to know if your prostate health was good or not.

However, whether this is the case anymore?

I do not really believe that.

Yes, high levels of PSA in the blood may mean you have prostate cancer.

Or, it can not mean anything.

The truth is, there were people who had very high PSA levels, only that they are perfectly healthy prostate (or BPH or prostatitis). And there are people who have had a PSA level that no one would think that any problems at all, it still ended with prostate cancer and all the pain and suffering can bring.

Does this mean it is worthless indicator of prostate health?

Not at all!

should certainly get your PSA on a regular basis - especially if problems with the prostate (cancer) run in your family, and if any of your immediate family members have problems in this area (like your dad, brother, uncles, grandparents, etc. ).

But this is not the only test that.

And if you're wondering how the PSA level, prostate, and it all fits together, you have to look for other warning signs and symptoms, too.

More aboutPSA: Prostate Cancer Level Indicator Or Worthless Blood Test?

How to Conduct Your Own Male Health Check

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So, you want to be more proactive in looking after your health? Here are some important areas have to be keeping an eye on.

blood pressure. Most people with high blood pressure at some time or another, with little or no symptoms. This is when it continues over time, to act as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This risk increases with age and is further increased if you smoke, the more overweight, have high cholesterol and / or diabetes. Health problems associated with high blood pressure, heart attack, eye damage, leading to vision problems, kidney damage, which is irreversible and stroke, which can damage the brain, leading to paralysis.

reading blood pressure between 110/70 and 140/90 is considered "within normal range." But anyone reading the next level of this range should be modified to make this down ASAP. Lifestyle changes will make a huge difference, and should include a stop ALL caffeinated beverages. This includes coffee, tea, green tea, any product that contains all the cocoa and soft drinks containing caffeine. Start drinking more water, as dehydration causes all tissues and fluids to become thicker and more viscous. SIP water consistently throughout the day and to drink no less than 1.5 and 2 liters a day. Start doing some regular exercise. If you do not participate, but start by going for a walk every day. Take it easy to start working here. You will benefit from any improvements. Take a magnesium supplement. This mineral works with muscle relaxation and is vital for anyone with cardiovascular problems. Omega 3 fish oil is also beneficial. Get your own blood pressure monitor, so you can keep a better eye on what's happening. Remember that if you rush to the GP and also had a cup of coffee within 1 hour to have your blood pressure. This will probably be higher, just because these two factors

ferritin. Many men find their iron, or more reasonably ferritin levels increase as they get older. Ferritin is iron binding protein, and more, the more your body's iron stores. High iron levels can cause just as much a problem of low iron levels. Iron is a known antioxidant, anti. This is because an excess of iron produces exactly the opposite effect of antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. This will cause the formation of free radicals that can seriously damage your body. So make sure you get your ferritin levels checked once a year, in order to prevent damage. If you find this high level of need for advice and change your lifestyle immediately. Alcohol consumption and poor liver is associated with high iron, so avoid it and the end of the liver cleanse would be beneficial.

testosterone. It is a muscle-building, anti-aging, sex drive and mental acuity hormones. Its highest level in the early 20-mans, but studies show that up to 20% of all people who are 50 years old, have testosterone levels below the normal range. Pesticides and preservatives in foods have been shown to act as "hormone disruptors" and can associate these levels decline. Medical literature states that low testosterone levels are directly associated with heart disease, heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer (yes, low levels are higher risk), senile dementia, osteoporosis and hip fractures.

You can have a blood test specifically testosterone levels. Your GP can arrange that for you, then talk about your options. There are many herbs available that have been used to boost testosterone levels. These include Tribulus, and Korean ginseng sarsparilla.

your PSA levels. PSA refers to a protein that is produced both normal and cancerous prostate cells. It is found in the blood and can be measured with blood, which should be tested once a year, after 50 years. PSA can rise if a man has prostate cancer, but a high PSA is not always evidence of cancer. Other things can make the PSA go up, such as inflammation. This may give a false positive test result. Also, some prostate glands produce more PSA than others. PSA to go up with age. Zinc is a mineral that is vital for a healthy prostate, but it is deficient in the New Zealand soil, so that should be taken in supplement form. Many health shops offer free zinc test, a simple way to determine the existing zinc razinama.Bilje Saw Palmetto, Nettle, Pygeum, and Vitex are all used to better prostate health and can often be found in combination together.

C - reactive protein (CRP). New England Journal of Medicine states that testing for CRP surpasses all other common tests to take, including LDL cholesterol in predicting cardiovascular događaja.Prisutnost C - reactive protein in the blood indicates the presence of inflammation. Studies have shown that high levels of inflammation is an accurate predictor of future heart problems. It has been shown that elevated levels of this marker is more than double the risk of stroke. Many insurance companies now use this test when completing medicals. Natural products that can help reduce the inflammation as fish oil or Omega 3 supplement, turmeric, ginger and quercetin.

cholesterol. Cholesterol is manufactured in the body of our dietary intake of fat, saturated fat and refined carbohydrates. Our cells and cholesterol synthesis, but liver and intestine are the main producers. An important matter which is necessary for good health, it is a normal component of most tissues, but especially the brain, nervous system, liver and blood. More than nine-tenths of cholesterol ends up in cells, where it performs vital structural and metabolic functions. However, when blood cholesterol levels become abnormally high, fatty deposits are composed of both cholesterol and calcium can accumulate in the arteries, including those of the heart, a condition that increases susceptibility to heart attack. These deposits occur mainly in parts of the blood vessels that are weakened by high blood pressure or undue effort. One of the important things to remember on the cholesterol to your liver is processing cholesterol - so if your liver function is poor, and cholesterol levels are likely to be high. Filling in the liver cleanse is a good first step in helping reduce cholesterol levels. Taking Omega 3, red yeast rice, guggul, garlic, lecithin and artichoke can help these levels down, of course. Reduce intake of saturated fats is vital. These are fats that are solid at room temperature.

More aboutHow to Conduct Your Own Male Health Check

PSA Testing And Prostate Cancer - How To Make Sense Of The Numbers

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

PSA testing can be confusing for some men. What the numbers mean? And, not many actually means that you have prostate cancer?

a very good question.

And, the reason these questions are asked so often because of conflicting information floating around.

used to be thought that high levels of prostate specific antigen in the blood was nearly cancer punishment and this has led to many unnecessary prostate biopsies, and in some cases, eerie, prostate removal.

Unfortunately, the PSA test can not be true.

Yes, this is a good test to do - but do not rely on the results as an indicator of you or do not have prostate problems. There have been many cases where someone has a high PSA numbers and had absolutely nothing wrong with their prostates god. They have also been many cases where people have low PSA test numbers and still finished with prostate cancer.

Does this mean that the test is worthless?

And you should not have done it?

Not necessarily.

Yes, in terms of the numbers are worthless - especially since many other things can affect them (even just sex the night before the test may be able to influence the number ).

But at the same time, it is still useful.

Especially if your number is trending up or down every time you get it done.

is a good goal remains to get your PSA is decreased, so that as far as that goes PSA testing is a good thing, and something that every man should do.

More aboutPSA Testing And Prostate Cancer - How To Make Sense Of The Numbers

Enlarged Prostate - What Does PSA Reveal?

Posted by writer

If you are a man and approaching or in middle age, you should be familiar with what the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test, and what the results mean. PSA is a protein produced in the prostate, which is used to male semen in liquid form. With normal-sized prostate, the majority of prostate-specific antigen is preserved in žlijezda.Mali amount does not escape into the bloodstream, and this is what is measured by the PSA test.

When you receive an annual physical, your doctor should measure PSA in the blood. These measurements will determine whether your prostate gland is functioning normally, or if possible carcinogenic or extended.

normal cut off point for this measurement is 4 ng / ml.PSA less than that and the prostate is considered normal. Increasingly will require further examination the prostate to determine if it is cancerous or enlarged.

has suggested that there is a number that can be used as a go-no-go for a PSA test. They found that as a man ages, it is normal for his prostate growth and PSA to go up. However, the use of PSA floating number of controversial and many doctors are still using the 4 ng / ml as the cut off for further evaluation of the prostate.

When my PSA was found that 5.8 ng / ml, my doctor has insisted on applying a biopsy on my prostate to determine whether cancerous or enlarged. The results were positive and came back as no cancer.

I have been living with enlarged prostate for years and now the herbal supplement to reduce the size of my prostate. I have reduced my PSA of 5.8 ng / ml to 4.7 ng / ml, and reduce symptoms.

Conclusion - PSA measure specific protein produced by prostate žlijezda.Iznad normal PSA can indicate prostate cancer or increased and that it is cancerous. Further testing will be needed to determine which condition you have.

More aboutEnlarged Prostate - What Does PSA Reveal?

PSA Test Results Meaning Explained In Plain English

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

If you're wondering what your PSA test results meaning you're not alone. If you ask ten different people this question, you'll probably get ten different answers. Below is a brief run down, which means (in "plain English ").

First of all, understand the PSA test is not set in stone-an indication that you have prostate cancer or not.

This surprises a lot of people thanks to the misinformation that was put out over the years about what the PSA test means actually means. That does not mean you have cancer, or even any prostate problems at all just because it is tall.

On the other hand, are not necessarily safe and out of the woods, if the score is low, either.

What is the PSA measures the level of prostate specific antigen in the blood.

levels are elevated, it can mean that you have something wrong. But on the other hand it might not mean anything at all. And, frankly, there were people who had very low scores PSA (which is considered good), who still finished with prostate cancer or enlarged prostate or any number of problems.

The point is, you probably should get their PSA levels checked.

Especially if your doctor recommends it.

But, when you see the result, do not necessarily think it is a reliable indicator, if you have any problems with the prostate or not.

Maybe you do.

Maybe not.

As far as your dog's test results mean go, it's just one of many things to test before you can be sure that the problem or not.

More aboutPSA Test Results Meaning Explained In Plain English

Lowering The Risk Of Cancer

Posted by writer on Monday, October 3, 2011

If you are interested in reducing the risk of colon cancer, and you are able to simply provide raw milk, I would advise you to look for grass-fed, organic, raw milk cheese in your local health food store. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of all cancers. What can be the case if developed breast cancer or are at high risk for developing breast cancer, the first thing is do not panic.

factors that may affect the risk of breast cancer diagnosed is called risk factors. Some studies suggest that people who regularly 140 mg or more of vitamin C have a lower risk of developing lung cancer than those who received only 90 mg or lower doses of vitamin C.

Since it is free from certain types of cancer five years after diagnosis means a cure, but it is not the case in breast cancer. Finding cancer in the early stages before it has a chance to spread makes the treatment much easier and more healing. Stay away from the trap of focusing on one or two specific foods that claim to "cure" cancer.

Generally women there are several side effects to this treatment, and if the cancer is still at an early stage, radiotherapy has a good chance of providing a complete cure. It is faith in the product which inevitably helped people lose weight or cure cancer, diabetes, back, re-grow teeth, or all of the above, and make them a fortune in the process.

Making changes to continue: So, if you are interested in reducing the risk of breast cancer, you have to make some changes in your lifestyle to help protect your health. Chemotherapy may be employed if the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, in order to reduce or slow cancer growth. In fact, some strong chemicals that are used for deep exfoliation, such as phenol, can cause skin cancer or side effects.

For example, ice cream company announces its support for the environmental movement, or a yogurt company to start a campaign to stop breast cancer. There are several potential downsides to PSA testing. For example a high PSA does not always mean the patient has prostate cancer

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