Enlarged Prostate - What Does PSA Reveal?

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

If you are a man and approaching or in middle age, you should be familiar with what the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test, and what the results mean. PSA is a protein produced in the prostate, which is used to male semen in liquid form. With normal-sized prostate, the majority of prostate-specific antigen is preserved in žlijezda.Mali amount does not escape into the bloodstream, and this is what is measured by the PSA test.

When you receive an annual physical, your doctor should measure PSA in the blood. These measurements will determine whether your prostate gland is functioning normally, or if possible carcinogenic or extended.

normal cut off point for this measurement is 4 ng / ml.PSA less than that and the prostate is considered normal. Increasingly will require further examination the prostate to determine if it is cancerous or enlarged.

has suggested that there is a number that can be used as a go-no-go for a PSA test. They found that as a man ages, it is normal for his prostate growth and PSA to go up. However, the use of PSA floating number of controversial and many doctors are still using the 4 ng / ml as the cut off for further evaluation of the prostate.

When my PSA was found that 5.8 ng / ml, my doctor has insisted on applying a biopsy on my prostate to determine whether cancerous or enlarged. The results were positive and came back as no cancer.

I have been living with enlarged prostate for years and now the herbal supplement to reduce the size of my prostate. I have reduced my PSA of 5.8 ng / ml to 4.7 ng / ml, and reduce symptoms.

Conclusion - PSA measure specific protein produced by prostate žlijezda.Iznad normal PSA can indicate prostate cancer or increased and that it is cancerous. Further testing will be needed to determine which condition you have.

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